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Addiction Treatment

The Importance of Exercise in Early A…

Regular exercise is an essential part of holistic recovery from addiction. Not only does exercise support physical health in countless ways, it als…

Addiction Recovery During the Holiday…

As we descend into the darkest month of the year, we may notice ourselves bracing with closed fists and gritted teeth. For many, especially for tho…

Aimless Wandering: a Mindfulness Prac…

We hear a lot about mindfulness in early addiction treatment. Simply put, mindfulness is the art of “making friends” with your experience, whatever…

How Meditation Helps Addiction Recovery

Mindfulness Training in Recovery Ten years ago, I never imagined that I’d ever be touting mindfulness meditation as a key component of treatment fo…

Five New Years Resolutions for Early …

New Year’s resolutions can be tricky. Yes, we want to grow. Of course we do! Why else would we be on the recovery path if not to better ourse…

What are the Effects of Alcohol Addic…

Alcohol is astoundingly ubiquitous in our society; it’s hard to walk within a few-block radius without finding a liquor store or bar; even the 7-11…

We Aren’t Here to Fix You Because You…

Our Foundation of Basic Goodness I want to take a moment and introduce the cornerstone of our program that makes our approach to addiction treatmen…

What is Sex Addiction, and is it Simi…

Addiction, simply put, is a pattern of compulsive behavior that we engage in in order to seek a chemical reward in the brain. Both illicit substanc…

The Benefits of Traveling for Addicti…

Can it be Helpful to Travel Away From Home for Rehab? The short answer: Yes! Here’s why. The Systems that Reinforce Addiction Addiction to drugs or…

Substance Abuse Treatment For Addiction

If you or a loved one’s prescription drug use meet at least two of these criteria in the past 12 months, then you may be suffering from a substance use disorder requiring treatment at a local drug rehab center.

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