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Navigating Boulder Colorado Rehab Resources

Boulder Colorado is considered one of the healthiest and happiest places in the country. Still, addiction has plagued the Boulder community as it has the rest of the country, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic (believe it or not, 10% of Americans will experience substance abuse disorder in their life). For this reason, we have put together a Boulder Colorado Rehab Resources guide for our Colorado community.

There are paths for you to take right now that can lead you down the healthy road to recovery. Let’s talk about some of the best Boulder Colorado rehab resources.

Boulder Colorado Rehab Resources

There are several rehab options for anybody looking for recovery services in the Boulder area, and certain options will be better for certain people in their own situations. Here are the most common and effective types of treatment that can all be used one at a time.

Residential, Partial-Hospitalization with Housing, or Inpatient Treatment

Boulder Colorado addiction treatmentResidential, partial-hospitalization (PHP), and inpatient treatment are the types of treatment that you think of when you hear the word “rehab”. This is when you stay at a live-in facility during the early stages of recovery and receive ongoing support and recreational activities during the most critical time of your path to recovery. In inpatient treatment occurs in a hospital setting and may include on-site detox, residential treatment is in a facility where you both live and attend treatment in the same place, and PHP with housing provides separate facilities for living (a more home-like setting) and clinical treatment, usually with food, transportation, and support staff included.

The reason that inpatient treatment and similar live-in modals are so commonly used in the early stages of recovery is that they offer all of the same services that could be provided outside of the facility, along with the added benefit of a controlled, substance-free environment.

People in these programs will be attending support groups, therapy sessions, and be provided with educational resources to help them maintain sobriety when they get back to their normal lives.

Different programs will offer different services, based on your needs. You may require dual diagnosis treatment, which involves treating a mental illness and addiction simultaneously, you may require family therapy services, medical detox, or more.

It’s important to look into services beforehand and see what’s right for you, and to make sure that your insurance will cover the type of treatment that you need. Options for addiction treatment in Boulder, Colorado and its surrounding area include a few different programs that fit different needs.

Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes are an excellent tool for those who leave residential or inpatient treatment but still need the benefit of a controlled, substance-free environment. People living in these homes will still have the freedom to live their lives, they will pay rent and perform chores just like they would in an apartment, and they will also be free from any temptation over substances.

There will be different rules within every sober living house, but they will all require their residents to maintain sobriety. There will be resources and staff on-site to help with any issues as they arise, and this environment acts as a great transition back into normal life.

Again, you can live a normal life in these homes without the fear of substances being brought before you, and you will be given the time and resources to transition into leading a sober life on your own.

There is also no time limit on how long you can stay on many sober living homes in Boulder and Colorado in general, meaning that residents can go at their own pace.

Outpatient Treatment

If you’re beyond the early stages of recovery or if inpatient treatment doesn’t seem right for you, then outpatient treatment is still a viable option. The only risk with this kind of treatment is your ability to relapse when you are not in a controlled environment.

However, with the right treatment options, outpatient treatment can still provide lasting benefits that will help you on your journey to recovery.

Some examples would be therapy, intensive outpatient programs which include several hours a week of group therapy, doctor visits, and most importantly, attending support groups. Alcoholics Anonymous is a time-tested tool used by so many on their path to recovery, as it provides so many benefits to each person who attends. Still, AA is not for everyone, and there are several other options for community support, including SMART Recovery, Recovery Dharma, Yoga for Recovery, LifeRing, and others.

For starters, when people attend a community fellowship or support group, they benefit from the collective knowledge and being around a community that understands their struggles. This feels far different from simply attending therapy sessions, and it can lead to lasting relationships with people who are also trying to lead sober lifestyles.

It may seem intimidating to attend your first meeting, but those who take that first step are often very glad that they did. Try attending an AA Boulder meeting or another group for yourself and seeing how it could benefit you on your journey.

These meetings are designed for long-term recovery health, and they will serve as an ongoing reminder of why you are turning your life around.

If you are still in early recovery and inpatient treatment doesn’t feel right for you, there is always intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), which offers similar services to inpatient treatment without the need to stay at a live-in facility.

How To Get Help

Now that you know the different types of treatment options available to you, let’s talk about how to seek out the help that you need in the Boulder area. Some of us may be looking for treatment for ourselves, while others may be looking for a loved one. Here’s what you need to know.

For You

If you’re looking for treatment for yourself, congratulations. If the idea is even crossing your mind, then chances are that it’s the right call.

The best thing you can do is to give a call to the treatment center that best fits your needs while you have the motivation to do so, let them know all about your situation, and ask what the best plan forward will be.

Now that you know what kinds of treatments are available, you may already have an idea of what you want. Based on your own circumstances, it’s important that you make the right decision.

If you’re in the first days of recovery, or if you’re still using, then a higher level of care, such as residential, PHP, or inpatient treatment is likely your best option. Before beginning treatment, it will be necessary to attend a medical detox for several days so that substances can leave your system safely. This is especially true if you’ve been abusing substances for a long period of time, as withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous or even deadly when not under medical supervision.

However, these symptoms do tend to peak after a few days, and they will likely be gone for good within a couple of weeks. This is the most critical time when it comes to recovery, so give yourself every opportunity possible to succeed. Even with the best facilities and the best programs, there is still a 40% to 60% relapse rate  after attending rehab, so don’t sell yourself short.

Set yourself up for long-term success by surrounding yourself with the right support systems. This includes communicating with loved ones or attending family therapy for the best long-term results.

For a Loved One

If you’re looking for addiction services for someone you love, then good for you! You’re also doing the right thing. Boulder Colorado rehab resourcesHowever, it’s important to remember that there are challenges ahead that will determine your success in this endeavor. Being educated on the best ways to help someone with addiction is of the highest importance.

The major challenge is convincing your loved one to attend a program. If you’ve already done this, then start contacting programs and let your loved one know what they need to know about each program, verify their insurance, and get them the help they need.

If you haven’t yet convinced them, then keep reading.

Interventions are not the most enjoyable way to spend an evening, but they might make the most important evening of your family’s life. There are some important steps to take first.

Remember, this isn’t about you or anybody else. It’s important that nobody attends an intervention with anything less than the best of intentions. Nobody should be belittling or berating anybody, there should be no hostility involved at all, and it can be extremely helpful to have a professional interventionist facilitating the conversation. A treatment center can refer you to an interventionist to help with this process. Another option is attending a CRAFT support group (we offer them weekly at no cost) so you can learn the skills and tools needed to give your loved one the support they need. In Boulder Colorado rehab resources like these are available to the community.

Make sure that you have a program in mind beforehand and that you and others prepare your statements ahead of time. Remember, you’re trying to persuade somebody to undergo a massive life change, not make them feel bad. If you keep that in mind and do your best, that’s all you can do.

If you manage to convince them to get help, simply offer them a path forward and let them know that they will have ongoing support once they are back. This will go a long way.

Don’t Wait Any Longer

Now that you know a little more about finding Boulder Colorado rehab resources, it’s best not to put it off any longer. The longer an addiction is left untreated, the longer you and your loved ones are at risk. Stay up to date with our latest recovery news and contact us for help finding the addiction treatment program that best suits your needs in Colorado and beyond.

Holistic Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health

If you or a loved one has worsening mental health symptoms or struggles with drug and alcohol misuse, then our holistic treatment center in Boulder, Colorado, is here for you. Calls us Now!