Boulder Addiction Treatment
We take a holistic approach at our Boulder addiction recovery center, meaning we aim to heal and nourish all aspects of a patient in addition to treating whatever addiction they may be suffering from.
We offer flexible treatment options so we can help our patients can get the help they need in the most convenient way possible – living at our facility, living at home, or attending treatment full-time at our center. Regardless of what option a patient chooses, our caring and experienced staff will be there along every step of the way in their recovery journey.
Our one-of-a-kind addiction recovery treatment and programs can help you or a loved one overcome a variety of substance abuse, dependency, and addiction issues, including:
• Alcohol addiction
• Opioid addiction
• Heroin addiction
• Methamphetamine addiction
• Benzodiazepine addiction
• Cocaine addiction
• Adderall and other stimulant addictions
• Prescription drug addiction
• Marijuana addiction
• Kratom addiction
Call us to learn more about the treatment options we offer and how we can help you or a loved one struggling with addiction persevere, take action, and heal.