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Meth Abuse and Withdrawal

Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that results in severe impacts to a person’s life. Meth abuse leads to physical and mental health impacts, as well as friction within relationships with family and friends. Often, individuals who struggle with using methamphetamines also have legal consequences, and struggle with chronic unemployment. Understanding the effects of meth and the benefits of professional help, can aid in an individual getting much needed and beneficial help to overcome addiction to the substance.

Meth Addiction

Addiction to meth can be devastating. Not only for the person struggling, but their loved ones as well. Meth abuse can lead to dangerous repercussions, both to health and psychologically. The short and long term effects of meth can impact the life of individuals who are struggling so severely that they can be hard to reverse. Abuse of this drug produces intense euphoria, contributing to continued abuse. Users often experience mental health side effects as well as effects on physical health, dental issues, and extreme weight loss and malnutrition.

Short Term Effects of Meth

The short term effects of meth abuse can be intense and fast acting. Often, users experience an intense rush of heightened alertness, energy, and euphoria. The physical effects of meth can include elevated heart rate, increased pressure, and lack of appetite. The pleasurable sensations, however, are short lived. As quickly as the effects take effect, they dissipate and result in intense feelings of depression, fatigue, and irritability. Erratic behavior and impaired judgment can also occur as a result of meth use. The high of euphoria is quickly replaced by intense lows once the drug wears off. 

Long Term Effects of Meth

The long term effects of meth abuse can lead to devastating impacts to health and wellness. Prolonged use of this drug leads to tolerance, resulting in needing greater quantities with each use to achieve the desired effects. As tolerance builds and use increases, dependence occurs. Because meth affects the central nervous system, it can result in persistent anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. Meth abuse also contributes to the decline of cognitive functionality, leading to poor decision making and memory issues. Mood disorders including depression also result due to abuse of this drug. Angry outbursts, and increased violence can occur due to prolonged use of meth. Meth abuse also leads to damage to vital organs. The heart and kidneys can be affected by abusing methamphetamines, and leads to organ damage and organ failure. Long term, the effects of meth use results in addiction. Addiction to this substance is life altering, and can be difficult to overcome due to withdrawal and cravings.

Meth Withdrawal

Meth withdrawal is a difficult process to endure. The intense physical and mental withdrawal symptoms can be extremely difficult to get through, and often result in relapse when individuals attempt to quit cold turkey. Initially, individuals struggling with meth experience a “crash” characterized by extreme fatigue, increased appetite, and sleep disturbances. As the symptoms progress, they may begin to experience severe depression, muscle aches, tremors, and anxiety. Withdrawal from meth is not immediately life threatening, however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable, and the cravings for the drug can be so intense, that it leads to relapse. Having professional assistance and guidance can make a huge difference in the outcome of the withdrawal process. 

Meth and Psychosis

Individuals who struggle with meth abuse often have increased energy, resulting in a decreased need and desire for sleep. Sleep is a crucial part of life, and is necessary for the body and brain to be able to reset themselves. When someone becomes sleep deprived, especially due to meth abuse, they can eventually experience psychosis. Due to the drug’s effects on the brain, particularly on the production of dopamine, it can result in hallucinations, delusions, and severe paranoia. The effects of meth induced psychosis can extend beyond the immediate effects of the drug, resulting in long term impacts to a person’s mental health. Someone in psychosis can pose a threat to themselves as well as others due to potential violent outbursts, severe paranoia, and other mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. 


Treatment for meth abuse and addiction begins with detox. Removing the substance from the body is vital to being able to grasp and learn the necessary skills for overcoming addiction to meth. Once the substance is removed, the individual can begin a process of healing that can include therapies and medication. The process of addiction treatment for meth helps individuals to implement healthy coping skills into their life, and fend off cravings to use. It can also provide a healthy start to rebuilding damaged and fractured relationships with friends and family. Healing is a vital part of recovering from addiction to meth.

Finding Recovery

Meth abuse and addiction can be extremely difficult, resulting in impacts to physical and mental health as well as damaging interpersonal relationships. The impacts of meth addiction can be difficult to reverse without proper care. If you or a loved one are struggling, there is hope. At Flat Irons Recovery, we offer personalized care that caters to individual needs. Reach out now and begin the process of healing and recovery.

Holistic Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health

If you or a loved one has worsening mental health symptoms or struggles with drug and alcohol misuse, then our holistic treatment center in Boulder, Colorado, is here for you. Calls us Now!